Volunteer Role Definitions and Expectations 

Role of the Board Director/ Liason

Terms: Exist in line with board roles and expire when the board position term expires.

The board director liaison is to provide guidance and context, where necessary, and attend all committee meetings to which they are the liaison. They shall also be responsible for reporting back to the board on the progress of items listed in the charging document. If a committee requires additional resources to complete their charges, the liaison shall make a formal request for the resources to the board via discussion points on the board agenda. The liaison shall also serve as the backup leadership role to the chair.

Role of the Chair

Terms: Two years and appointed by the board president. There is an option to extend for one additional year. Terms may not be served consecutively. A chair may serve for a maximum of three years consecutively in their role.

Committee chairs are responsible for understanding the items in their charging document and leading the efforts to create a year-long plan to complete the committee’s assignments. The board chair shall create an agenda prior to each meeting and either send it to staff for distribution or distribute it themselves. The chair shall also take minutes of the meeting and distribute them to committee members at the end of each meeting. The chair will work with their staff liaison to help create a timeline for how to accomplish goals and set agendas based on charging item documents. The chair shall lead each meeting using the agenda. If any items come up that are outside of the scope of the charging document or resources are needed beyond what have been provided, the chair shall work with the board liaison to officially request changes/resources from the board. 

Role of the Committee Member

Terms: Three years. May be served consecutively at the request of the president.

Committee members are expected to attend all committee meetings. If they are unable to attend, they should notify the chair as soon as they are aware of the absence. Committee members must complete assigned work by agreed upon deadlines. If the committee member cannot complete an assignment, they must notify the chair as soon as practicable so that it may be assigned to someone else. 

Role of the Staff

Terms: N/A Staff liaisons are assigned by the executive director.

Staff liaisons to committees will send out meeting invites and manage the official NAACO Zoom account. Depending upon the committee, some execution items discussed may fall to the staff for follow-up. Staff will provide logistical and operational advice as the committee works through their plan. Items staff manage include, but are not limited to: answering the NAACO phone number and official email, sending electronic communications to members, posting to NAACO social media accounts, running operational logistics for meetings and events, being the primary point of contact for sponsors/exhibitors, assisting the treasurer in enforcing the approved budget, and providing relevant association-related subject matter expertise on a number of areas.